So, gentlemen, open for business, perhaps for the final time in Egypt.[That is, at the end of a two-week excursion.] Open to anything you’d like to convey, if I can receive it
You may congratulate yourself on several levels. You systematically faced and overcame obstacles to do the trip. Of course each obstacle appeared to be external, but of course each was also representative of internal circumstances. Is it a surprise that your health is more or less able to be taken for granted, this trip?
Much more important to me is the increase in my ability to lead people to healing, and my ability to connect to something by not-quite-touching it.
And of course it all connects. Expansion is expansion.
As always, I want to return changed, not unchanged. I wish I felt more confident about my life after I return.
You mean, you wish you could envision new habits and a life built around them. Then begin not with the roof and exterior decoration, but with the foundation and structural underpinnings.
- You
- Your mode of being changes.
- What you wish to do and enjoy doing changes.
- It ripples out.
Start by being concentrated in one time, one place, and that implies living without split focus. Then, remember, without tension or straining, the feeling of heightened perception.
How do I structure my life to not fritter it away because I lose sight of what I am doing?
Simple. Live without split focus. Do one thing, putting out of your mind all other things. Then, periodically stop and ask yourself what it is that you might do, and, among those, what is it that you choose to do.
An alternation.
To us it is a single directed focus, now aimed this way, now aimed that way. Work single-minded, survey and choose single-minded. The alternation maintains needed flexibility and preserves focus.