Friday, July 23, 2021
Just as we in non-3D are not quite as we are commonly defined, nor you in 3D, so neither are you in your 3D/non-3D entirety seen correctly, usually. Thus your nature, your limitations, and your potential are misunderstood, for how much correct understanding can filter through so much wrong definition?
I have been feeling for your meaning, and I began to get a sense of a very common-sense picture, but it relies upon so many interlocking definitions. The result isn’t complicated, it’s elegantly simple, as I suppose we should expect. Truth usually is elegant, simple, straightforward and self-evident, but only when seen straight. Until seen straight, it will look like a mass of contradictions, side-trails, irrelevancies, and unknowablities.
Thus, Newton’s laws, and the re-visioning of Copernicus, and Einstein’s mathematical pulling-together of the two concepts of matter and energy. Thus Jung’s grasping exposition of psychological types. Any clarification of previously known but mystifying phenomena depends mostly upon seeing them from a new point of view.
But although I can more or less feel it, I couldn’t yet express it, which is the same as admitting that I don’t really have it.
No, it is the same as saying that you have done the spadework, immersing yourself in various aspects of the problem, and you are Wilbur Wright standing in his bicycle shop, talking to a customer while absent-mindedly holding a flexible carton and twisting it in opposite directions.
Even after he had the clarifying bit of insight, he had to do a lot of work testing what he suddenly knew, intuitively, was the key to control of a vehicle in flight.
Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration, you know that.
Well, this would be a good time for you to throw in your 1%.
We smile. So you tell us.
I guess I’d say, we don’t go anywhere when we die. We don’t become anything we aren’t already. We continue.
Yes. Nobody and nothing is disconnected. There is no individual unit to exist or cease to exist or come into existence. What there is, is one vast whole, of which you and we are part, and “you” and “we” are relatively individual, communities of communities, and ourselves parts of larger communities. If you once grasp the reality of this interconnection, you see that “you” cannot die because “you” never existed in the way you usually see yourselves.
- You are combinations of strands.
- Each strand is a combination of strands.
- Each moment of time exists forever, and thus so do everything in those moments.
- However, all time may be divided in effect into the one present-moment as experienced, and all other moments.
- Everything interacts! One strand may connect many different centuries or territories. It is not possible to affect any one thing without affecting every
- 3D existence does not exist in the absence of non-3D connection. It couldn’t. The difference between the two states is a relative difference, not an absolute.
- Existing within 3D constriction, you yet exist outside of it, as well.
- Physical death, like physical birth, is a moment of transition, the culmination of a process, not a change from one thing to another, but from one set of environmental ground-rules to another.
- As a thought-experiment, consider yourself a bundle of strands existing equally after as well as before the process of bundling. You will see the superficiality of 3D existence as a physical unit.
I think you mean we’ll see that the only thing that changes is our experience as a relatively isolated unit.
Yes. You will watch as the superficial lining of 3D definition falls away, leaving and revealing (and, in fact, liberating) all the elements of yourself that 3D existence tended to obscure and submerge.
I’m still not sure we have conveyed the “aha!”-producing insight.
It is a Copernican shift, and you have known it for more than 20 years, but you have been unable to fully appreciate the idea as long as you remained enmeshed in the idea that a 3D body was the same as evidence of individuality in the sense of isolation.
Yes, that’s it, isn’t it? I see.
You see because you were born seeing it, groping your way to it. But although it is clear at the moment, perhaps it will be less so after we pause. It will be worth your while to spell out your understanding.
Every description of life or the afterlife is misleading in so far as it is based on the idea (usually implicit) that there is the unit (a “me” separate in some real way) and there is everything else. Thus any first-hand experience of the afterlife, or retrievals, or the meaning of life is all incorrect in so far as it is based on wrong definitions. But change the definitions, and the experiences remain, but they can be seen to be something different than we thought them to be.
- You don’t have to step off a high wire when you die.
- You don’t have to find Charon or not get across the River Styx.
- You are not required to appear in court and be judged.
- You are not sentenced to rebirth, and neither are you liberated from the wheel of life and rebirth.
- You do not cease to exist.
- You do not leave Earth and the things of Earth;
- neither do you have to pretend to continue a 3D existence by what Monroe called belief-system territories and Moen called hollow heavens.
In short, anything people have posited or concluded or experienced or feared or looked forward to is true or not true, accurate or not accurate, reliable or misleading – depending upon the one definition that everything hangs on.
I get it. Either we realize that there are no absolute divisions in reality, or we don’t. If we think there are, then there are all those projections that appear real. If we see that there are not, then clearly we already are what we are.
Let’s put it this way: Just as the “external” world is not separate from you, regardless how 3D conditions make it appear; just as the “material” world is mind-stuff, in the same way your psyches are, so the present-moment is as much a part of everything as are all the other moments, but 3D conditions mask the reality.
And this hour has been very productive indeed. At least, we hope your friends will find it to have been. There is more to spell out, but this is the crucial insight. Change this one idea, and see how things that seemed chaotic and disconnected fall into place, or rather, are seen to be what they always were, harmonious parts of an undivided reality.
I take it we resume from here, but how, I don’t quite see.
Merely concentrate upon questions that arise as you think about your perpetual existence as part of all that is. We will help you, to the degree that your receptivity allows.