[For several weeks in 2019, we examined the Gospel of Thomas, saying by saying, and it produced remarkable insights. I am moved to shared this transcription today, don’t know why.]
Thursday, June 6, 2019
12:30 a.m. Gentlemen, shall we discuss Saying 24?
Saying 24. His disciples said to him: Show us the place you are, for it is essential for us to seek it. He responded: He who has ears let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up all of the world. If he is not alight, there is darkness.
They said show us the place you are, for it is essential that we seek it. Very perceptive of them, for the statement implies, rightly, that Jesus is not of a different nature than them – certainly not “the only begotten son of God” – but that nonetheless he has something they don’t; is something, lives something, they want to emulate.
The light within a man of light is the difference, and has the potential to light up the world.
Is there a hidden meaning to the light, or “a man of light”?
Only what is obvious, that it is not talking about physical light. That should speak for itself. It is the inner knowing, the inner awareness, that communicates itself to those around the “man of light,” which is what the disciples were becoming. Of course “men of light” includes women; it is not gender-specific except in terms of grammatical and stylistic usage.
Okay, Saying 25?
Saying 25. Jesus said: Love your brother as your own soul. Protect him as you protect the pupil of your eye.
Is there a particular significance to the comparison of one’s brother to the pupil of one’s eye? That is, does it imply that one’s brother is essential to one’s vision?
And – ?
Remember, 3D and non-3D. The external world – particularly other people as external – reflects to one’s consciousness aspects of oneself, known and unknown. So, the respect one gives to others is, in a very real sense, the respect one gives one’s own nature, known or unsuspected, but either way essential to the 3D person.
So that what is an ethical advice is also an indirect description of reality.
Of course.
Saying 26, then?
Saying 26. Jesus said: You see the splinter in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the log that is in your own eye. Remove the log from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.
In context of the previous saying, I see it differently than I had before. I had seen it as advice to stop projecting. But it is also advice on how to use the external world to gain information on our inner world.
Correct. And that’s enough for the moment. Three sayings will provide enough to mull, to chew on.