“Sail Away, Mr. Roberts”
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Noon: Recall, association, instance, reverie. Seems like one could make an acronym by changing one of the names. If I said Example instead of Instance, we could rearrange into
Recall or maybe Detail
Example Example
Association Association
Reverie Reverie
I think that’s more easily remembered, but I’m losing the sense of it. Let’s look at it again.
- Specific piece of data. Detail.
- Association of ideas.
- Specific example within association
- Something entirely unguided by conscious intent, or sometimes sparked by something, then wandering off on its own.
No. Guy, I’m fuzzing it up. Clarity again?
- Filling in a blank; looking for a specific word.
- Following a chain of associations; looking over the librarian’s shoulder during the search.
- Matching characteristics: “This” is like “that.” A different kind of search.
- Holding oneself in a state of receptivity, like watching a movie, allowing the theme and images to arrange and present themselves, rather than you choosing.
Okay, clear again, thanks. In fact, clearer than before. I still wish I could come up with an acronym.
Forcing things doesn’t work well. If you must come up with mnemonic, try a phrase similar to “Every Good Boy Does Fine,” or “FACE.”
I can’t remember what they indicate – something about music – but I get the idea.
So make up a phrase for Specifics, Associations, Matching, Reverie. A phrase incorporating SAMR.
“Sail away, Mr. Roberts.”
You’re welcome.