Supplemental to previous post

“Sail Away, Mr. Roberts”

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Noon: Recall, association, instance, reverie. Seems like one could make an acronym by changing one of the names. If I said Example instead of Instance, we could rearrange into

Recall              or maybe          Detail

Example                                   Example

Association                              Association

Reverie                                    Reverie

REAR                                       DEAR

I think that’s more easily remembered, but I’m losing the sense of it. Let’s look at it again.

  1. Specific piece of data. Detail.
  2. Association of ideas.
  3. Specific example within association
  4. Something entirely unguided by conscious intent, or sometimes sparked by something, then wandering off on its own.

No. Guy, I’m fuzzing it up. Clarity again?

  1. Filling in a blank; looking for a specific word.
  2. Following a chain of associations; looking over the librarian’s shoulder during the search.
  3. Matching characteristics: “This” is like “that.” A different kind of search.
  4. Holding oneself in a state of receptivity, like watching a movie, allowing the theme and images to arrange and present themselves, rather than you choosing.

 Okay, clear again, thanks. In fact, clearer than before. I still wish I could come up with an acronym.

Forcing things doesn’t work well. If you must come up with  mnemonic, try a phrase similar to “Every Good Boy Does Fine,” or “FACE.”

I can’t remember what they indicate – something about music – but I get the idea.

So make up a phrase for Specifics, Associations, Matching, Reverie. A phrase incorporating SAMR.

“Sail away, Mr. Roberts.”

You’re welcome.


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