Dealing with physical stress

Thursday, May 12, 2022

6:05 a.m. Acting, I’m sure, on your instructions – 😊 – I asked for questions on the material, pointing out that once I’m gone, this particular flavor will be out of stock forever. Here’s one from Martha.

[Martha’s question:

[I’m not sure how to word the question, but here goes: Something happens that shocks the system – a fear, an anger, some grief etc. is triggered by a situation & it reverberates in my field and permeates my body. I don’t know how to discharge it if it’s big or if several things are happening at once. That ends up leading to feeling completely overwhelmed by it and then my system shuts down in the form of a headache. How do I integrate/heal/discharge the energy without bodily pain? How do I heal the trigger so that it no longer triggers? I know it has to do with beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, that are all energy, and that energy has real physical effects. But knowing that and being able to do something about it are 2 different things.]

All right, set your switches, and perhaps add another to minimize stage-fright, or whatever you’d call it: that fear that we won’t be here, or won’t be able to answer, or don’t exist.

I’m smiling, but I see your point. All right, in addition to maximum focus, receptivity, clarity and presence, let’s go for maximum confidence. Maximum foolhardiness?

Always remember, if advice is wrong for someone, it will not “click,” and will not be followed. To that degree, the risk of misinforming is less than you think.

Here is a way to think about the problem. The same principle would apply to addressing any physical problem, for that matter. The specifics would be different, but the principle is the same as the beginning of an angle of approach. Ask yourself, in a way, what does the effect seek to remedy? In mechanical terms it would be, “What cause produced the effect?” meaning not so much “What happened that we wound up here” as “Working our way backwards from effect to cause, what mechanism – what relationships – led to this specific effect, from the causes known and unknown?”

I have a feeling that paragraph has within it the answer, but you’re going to have some ’splainin’ to do, Lucy. It feels like it’s right, but it doesn’t actually say enough to be clear.

And this after 12 minutes.

Oh very funny. Anyway –

Well, you (all) are accustomed to tracing cause to effect, past to future. You are somewhat accustomed to trace backwards, as well, present to past. To you it seems like analysis following description. If you look AàB, that’s description. If you trace backwards BàA, that’s analysis. Both processes are more time-bound than you realize, immersed as you are in 3D.

Seeing things in time-slices, you mean.

Seeing and experiencing in time-slices, yes. But it may be hard to show how this shapes your experience. We’ll see. The difficulty is that, experiencing things divided by moments of time (as happens, for instance, when you write or read a sentence), it can be very hard to experience the gestalt of the thing. Instead, you experience it in pieces. If you only experienced a locomotive by seeing a list of its mechanical parts, do you think you’d understand it as well as if you saw a photo of it, or, far more, stood in its presence or watched it move? Well, the body is far more complex and subtly interactive than a locomotive, and questions of its interaction with the environment are more complex.

Also, it can be difficult to remember that the physical body and its intricacies, and the locomotive and the scenery across which the locomotive moves, are all mind-stuff. We will keep coming back to this because, candidly, we doubt that many people really feel this as a reality. Once you realize that mind / body / spirit is only a logical or let’s say theoretical division by qualities of the one, indivisible thing that makes up 3D and non-3D, your grasp of life and its possibilities instantly alters. Until then, much that we say will be taken as an interesting fantasy.

That’s harsh.

It is not. It is realistic. Even when you are intellectually convinced that the world of matter is ultimately composed of mind stuff, how much does it change your vision of possibilities?

I’m getting that you’re saying we hedge our lives with too many perceived necessities, all previously deduced by our thinking matter is one thing, and spirit or mind is another.

You’re still in 3D! If you really know to your bones that it’s all mind-stuff, none of the rules apply, and you can do whatever physically impossible things you wish to do.

So then, where are we?

Since you can’t fully realize that it’s all mind-stuff, at least use the theoretical knowledge to loosen the bonds. In a way, this is saying, realize that you’re way more powerful than you have yet realized; that you’re more free, have more creative space, than you have yet experienced.

In other words, however far we’ve come, remember that there’s more available.

More like baby chicks, struggling to emerge from the egg. The struggle itself helps it develop the muscles it is going to need. You are always chicks emerging from the egg.

So, the practical effect of this?

Martha’s example may be seen as an example of interruption of the flow. What we are about to say cannot be accepted, probably, by anyone thinking that 3D matter is somehow real in and of itself. That is, if you think matter is what it seems to be, you will be bound by whatever rules you think apply. But the more you can make real to yourself the fact that matter is stored energy, and that energy itself is an emanation of mind-stuff (Christians might have said, is created by spirit), the more you see that the system itself as it is may be traversed by knowledge, and does not require miracles to produce miraculous results.

So, to put into a nutshell what probably couldn’t have been seen as meaningful earlier: Any illness, temporary or persistent, may be seen as an interruption of the flow. Remove the obstruction, the flow resumes and the illness, which was an adjustment to the condition of interruption of flow, dissolves because no longer needed. Or, let’s say, because no longer constellated by the condition that you have just removed.

But – you say – easier said than done. Not necessarily. Actually, easier done than believed, so – experiment first, leaving yourself room to be surprised.

I think I know where you’re going. It’ll be interesting to see you make it plausible to those who haven’t experienced it.

Actually, pretty much everybody has experienced it, or a version of it, but perhaps they don’t connect the dots to realize what they have experienced.

  • It requires that you find a center and remain within the center, in the face of challenges. Being in the habit of living within that calm center during easy times will help you, obviously, when hard times come.
  • Don’t let yourself worry, or lose faith that all is well. The worry will pull you out of your center; will in fact poison that center, if carried on too long.
  • So now the impingement occurs. It may be physical pain, or an emotional confrontation, or interpersonal dispute, or an “external” event such as an accident. Whatever its nature, something pulls you off-center. What does this mean?
  • Staying centered is not equivalent to living in a fallout shelter, or a tornado cellar. It has no tinge of self-protection. It is you enjoying being you.
  • Being pulled off-center is not any specific irritant. What it consists of (however it may manifest) is that in an important way, you are not wholly you for the moment. The sooner you return to being you, the sooner your problem becomes seen in tis true context.

So now remember, it’s all mind-stuff. Excruciating pain, debilitating emotion, nerve-grinding inharmonious relationships – it’s all mind-stuff. That does not mean, “It’s all in your mind!” It does not mean, “You can overcome it by not thinking about it, or by pretending it isn’t there.” It is, after all, manifesting in the 3D world. It is as material as anything else, but the point is – how many ways can we say it? – matter itself is mind-stuff. Everything is more malleable than it appears. If you can once get, really get, the reality of this, you will be living closer to the real world.

So, you experience one or more shocks to the system. You don’t need to discharge it in the sense of eliminating the cause, nor of course in the sense of pretending to be unaffected. Instead, you remain in your center – you remember that you are mind-stuff and it is mind-stuff and that nothing can happen by accident. By not resisting, you help tour body not be overwhelmed. By letting things flow, you don’t generate the physical effects that result in headaches or in other parts of your body absorbing the disharmony (for the sake of saving the organism as a whole).

This avoids the need to deal with the triggers in order to preserve your health. You deal with the triggers for their own sake, in their own times, without your health being on the line.

As you get better at letting the energy flow (breathe!) and avoiding the physical ill-effects of such blockages, you will find it ever easier to deal with the causes themselves, remembering that every challenge is by definition an opportunity for clearing.

Excellent, specific, question, and we hope this provides you with an avenue. Follow-up questions are always welcome, but first try, and see if it works for you.

What shall we call today’s?

“Dealing with physical stress.”

Okay. Thanks for all this. I see we went 70 minutes. I’ll be interested to see what went on. Our thanks, as I said. Till next time.


One thought on “Dealing with physical stress

  1. “It is as material as anything else, but the point is – how many ways can we say it? – matter itself is mind-stuff. Everything is more malleable than it appears. If you can once get, really get, the reality of this, you will be living closer to the real world.”

    I would say that this is what so many people who are learning about whatever this “awakening” is called, truly want. There are a lot of videos about “manifesting your desire” and truly making their own reality. It probably began with Seth’s “belief creates reality” concept, but it’s expanded into the “law of attraction”, “you can create your own reality”, etc. To be honest, I also am interested for my own health reasons, trying to understand practically how to “really get” control of the malleabilty of reality.

    So far, it seems like the impersonal forces may not align with my conscious desires, whether its due to agreement or other unseen circumstances, but this topic is very much an area of interest for many people: how to create our own reality beyond simply accepting the situation as it is manifested.

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