Filters and communication

Friday, April 29, 2022

6 a.m. Open for business? I’ll set my mental slide-switches for maximum focus, receptivity, clarity, presence. More on the energy beings you talked about yesterday? Or, whatever you please, of course.

You have in the back of your mind the caution about hungry ghosts.

Oh sure. It isn’t a foreground worry, but a sort of nightlight, a reminder that mischievous spirits may say anything at all, in order to keep the attention of someone living in 3D. But I assume that my own sincerity of purpose is my protection against such things.

As, in fact, it is. However, it is well for sincerity of purpose – a sine qua non – to be accompanied by a certain amount of knowledge and, better, wisdom.

You’re going to tie this in somehow with yesterday’s talk of beings of three different relationships with 3D.

Let’s begin with a few bullet-points, to help mark out relationships and to help you receive without a background sense of anxiety lest we dry up or contradict ourselves or wander off into the mists, so to speak. Though, we do appreciate your doing our worrying for us, having our stage-fright for us, by proxy.

Very funny.

Well, we’re smiling about it, but there is an element of helpfulness to us in your attitude. Too much credulity is as bad as too much incredulity. It works just the way too much reverence is as bad as contempt: You have to find the middle way. This is one more special case of “What does it profit to gain the world and lose your soul?” Suppose you got a huge download of information (true or false or mixed; in this case, it hardly would matter) and in the process you forgot to concentrate on your one job in 3D, which is to choose who and what you wanted to be, to uphold? As in every other aspect of life, how you go about it is as important as what it is you do.

Understood. My wanting to know is part of my essence, but if I were to want to know so that I could turn it to advantage, or feed my ego, or whatever, my motivation, changing, would change the situation. I suppose that’s why genuine psychics become frauds sometimes. Edgar Cayce’s resistance to corruption was legendary and awesome. So – your bullets?

  • The non-3D is at least as complex as 3D. Be a little slow in drawing conclusions from whatever manifestations impinge upon your 3D experience.
  • As said earlier, there can be no 3D without it extending into non-3D, and even “extending into” risks the distortion consequent upon using 3D-derived analogies such as physical distance, or movement.
  • Neither you nor anything you will ever experience is anything different than mind-stuff.
  • You are each the center of your own world, but so is everyone else. No one center, hence no circumference. It’s all important.
  • Most of what you experience, you create in your mind.

That isn’t the way to say that, if you want anybody to understand what you mean.

Perhaps not. You try.

Whatever we experience has its own objective reality, but what that reality is may be impossible to know, because we’re likely to experience it through so many of our mental screens and associations that we will be reacting to whatever it suggests (or activates) to our subconscious mind, more than to what it is in itself.

It seems to us that this is what we just said, but the clarification can’t hurt and may help.

  • Therefore, people’s reports about the nature of the non-3D are to be treated the same as you would treat their reports of the 3D: You can assume their honesty and intelligence, without thereby signing off in advance on anything and everything they claim to know. “I was there and I saw it with my own eyes” is not a demonstration of omniscience nor even of clarity of vision.
  • Scriptures contradict each other, you will have noticed. Why?

Different reports because different experiences, seen through different filters.

That, and more. But this is enough to begin with.

We’ll be lucky to get through what you just laid out, in fact.

So now you’re also timing the rounds, to protect us from running out of time and losing our point?

Again, very funny. Although, in a way (come to think of it) keeping an eye on the clock is part of what I’ve been doing with you, all these years. Sometimes you do it, but always I do it.

It is a small example of the nature of a cooperative process. Not awe-struck acolyte, not steely-eyed inquisitor, not passive scribe nor tendentious sorcerer’s apprentice: more like an apprentice, or a junior associate (junior in seniority, not in importance). As we have said many times, this is the way of the future.

I don’t know that you’ve said it ever, let alone many times.

If you were to re-read 25 years’ worth of material – which we know you are unlikely to do – you would be surprised what your new perspective would show you, embedded in material you thought at the time you understood.

Wheels within wheels, always greater insight available.

Yes. It is merely a matter of earning it [the greater insight], and you do that by sustained intent and clarity of being, or integrity.

I was expecting a detailed explanation of the bullet-points, but glancing back at them, I seem to understand that you are making a single point, merely marking the places where it extends to other ideas.

That’s one way to look at it. For that matter, one way to look at the entire process of creating new understandings would be to think of it as constructing a unit out of many smaller units, as an automobile is made of many subassemblies. The same car radios may be put into many different kinds of car, but the car itself is a unique element, no matter how common the elements it is made from. A more organic example would be our own bodies: What are they but seawater with some trace elements? But it is the intricate assembly of components and systems that separate your bodies from other animals. Well, it’s the same for your minds, hence for your souls.

If you understand what we just said, you understand it because of the previous assimilation of a lot of ideas and viewpoints that once would have been alien to you.

Now, to briefly connect the dots:

The non-3D aspect of life is complex and therefore contains complex manifestations. Why do you think you and your times find it impossible to believe in angels sitting on clouds playing harps? That much-caricatured image was a simplification of a previous perception that, in the non-3D, there was no necessity (that is, your life there would be all leisure time, no things you had to do willy nilly), and there was no form or substance (hence, you were floating on clouds, an image of carefree freedom from the physical) and there was a unifying music, or let’s say, everything was in harmony. All true, in a way, and quite misleading if you think that is all non-3D life is. But in any case, the image won’t serve the Age of Aquarius as it did the Age of Pisces. Not that the non-3D has changed, exactly, but new aspects come to the fore, and certain older ones recede.

And since 3D and non-3D are co-existent – are two aspects of the same reality – as the accessible non-3D changes, so does the experienced 3D. Your world changes around you, and there’s nothing you could or should do about it. It isn’t malfunction; it is changing the scenery for the next act in your unending improv. Your great-grandchildren will live in a world you would hardly recognize if you saw it today, just as your life is unimaginably different from that of your great-grandparents. But your descendants will be living the results not only of changes in the culture (as you did) but also of changes in the 3D world as experienced, for it will be a very different thing to be human. And, there’s nothing wrong with it. You are not wiser than nature; you are not more moral than God, so to speak. You judge because your culture’s ancestors ate of the tree of Perceiving Things as Good and Evil. That doesn’t mean things are the way you are prone to see them.

And it’s all mind-stuff anyway. The 3D is “somewhat” real. That means, if you think about it, that the non-3D as you perceive it is only somewhat real, too – or could something that was only somewhat real be trusted to see straight?

Obvious as you say it, and – as so often – something I’ve never thought.

Enough for the moment. Notice, your hour is up (not that we would have scrupled to continue, if we had needed more time), and we made our point. But thanks for concerning yourself to watch the clock.

I’m smiling too. Okay, thanks for all this, as usual, and I may take tomorrow off.

Good idea. (Yours? Ours?)

Till next time, then.


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