Saying 27
27 a If you do not fast from the world you will not find the Kingdom.
27 b If you do not keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will never see the father.
Seems to me, this means, you have to have a certain detachment from the world if you are to have a chance of seeing truly, of experiencing the reality behind appearances.
You don’t need us at all.
Very funny. Anything I’m missing here?
Your insights could be expanded upon, but they capture the essence. Anyone who grasps the point can fill in the nuances.
Saying 28
Jesus said: I stood in the midst of the world. I came to them in the flesh [sarx]. I found all of them drunk. I found not one of them to be thirsty. My soul was saddened by the sons of men for they are mentally blind. They do not see that they have come into the world empty and they will go out of the world empty. But now they are drunk. When they sober up they will repent.
Surely clear?
Well, I think so. Jesus found the men of the 3D drunk – that is, not sober, not seeing straight – and not thirsty; that is, not thirsting for the truth, for more life or greater awareness. He was sad to see how blind they were, they not seeing that they would leave 3D as they entered it, because they would not spend their time working on themselves. (That is interpolation, I know, but that’s how it strikes me.) And he looks forward to them overcoming their lack of awareness.
Good enough, and as you know, the division between “our” and “your” interpretation sometimes wears thin.
Yes, and I no longer suspect it when it is the case, but take is as progress.
Saying 29
Jesus said: If flesh [sarx] came into being because of spirit, it is wonderful. If spirit came into being because of the body, it is exceedingly wonderful. I am amazed that this great wealth has appeared in this poverty.
Saying 29 seems to me to say that Jesus is struck by what the 3D experience of restriction offers the 3D/non-3D as a whole.
Bear in mind, that is not what would seem obvious to just anyone, but that is as we see it, as well. It bears pondering, however, and each one who ponders over it will discover new facets – or, should we say, will have new facets discovered to them.
Discovered is an older way of saying the same.