August 28, 2016
One way to get a different picture of ourselves is to move to a different angle, and to do that I have been working through two questions: 1) “What does human life look like from the perspective of the greater being?”, and 2) “What is the value of humanity (and our world) to greater consciousness?”
Below is a summary of what I have been able to gather to date. I hope you will consider adding your own findings/views on these questions.
Creation Flows.
We and our world are created out of a more encompassing and less restrictive consciousness, or action. We are an extension of that greater consciousness, far from an independent and separate entity. We couldn’t and don’t exist in isolation, despite how we sense it. We are “being-like” with our own identity, but at the same time not a being, because there is only one mind and we are part of it. We have the capacity to create extensions of ourselves, extensions which in turn also have the ability to create extensions of themselves.
It is perhaps more accurate to say we ARE a perspective (and a conglomeration of everything we perceive), than to say we are a being with a perspective. Our creative gift at this stage is ourselves; yet, the value of that gift cannot be determined outside the context of the greater consciousness from which we extend.
From this viewpoint, mankind and our Earth are living consciousness, but not end objectives or “products”. They are a means (and not the only means) to a greater end of formation and transformation. In other words, mankind as a species and Earth as a living physical entity that supports mankind and other life, are beneficial in their role to help form and transform consciousness, but not the endgame.
Looking at it from this angle, the life we experience is not intended to be conflict-free, pain-free or free from suffering. Furthermore, there is an implication that we are actually cooperating with each other and with our world, far more than what it would appear in 3D.
We are more amorphous that we typically sense in body.
(TGU via Frank, August 2016) “You are spirits in bodies. In accepting your limitations you allowed yourselves to be bound – you in a way bound yourselves – in order to experience certain conditions and accomplish certain things, or, better, let’s say in order to give yourself the possibility of reshaping yourselves by what seem outside forces.”
I have been exploring this aspect of us, or maybe better said, us as an aspect. The willingness to be bound provides us a sense of identity, and certainly we have that with our so called ego and physical body.
At another level, Rita elevated our thinking to see ourselves as a combination of strands, each strand being a previously lived life, an established soul, made up of strands as well. In this way we could see ourselves tied to past and future lives, and through them having linkage to everything. It brought to my mind a kind of network model where our minds are the nodes in the network, connected to our strands and through our strands to the entire rest of the network. Each mind could look into the network at “see” everything, all created reality.
But that model leaves us with the illusion of boundaries. The network analogy interconnected each soul with everything else, but it also gave the impression of each soul being separate.
To take one further step in understanding us without our body it is necessary to lose the concept of containment. We are not spatially limited, nor spatially separated. Nor are we spatial at all outside of 3D.
Think of ourselves as an active perceiver. By that I mean that we have a construction that enables us to have a unique lens on everything else, but the action of perception changes the perceiver and that which is perceived. It is not a passive “viewing”, but an active and dynamic interaction.
Our perception is derived from those strands that constitute us, unified and amended by our physical life experience. Every perception by every other perceiver is part of our own, but are “weighted” according to those we are most directly connected with. Our perception constantly changes.
This “perception combo” could also be described as a vibrational signature or personality tone that uniquely interacts with energy and attracts and assimilates knowledge. When looked at in this fashion, we are not defined by what we do or have done in our physical life, but by the “lens” or “filter” we apply to everything, and the effect we make via our observation.
Value to Greater Consciousness.
Forming ourselves, our soul as we call it, is a significant aspect of this physical life. Before our birth on Earth, our ingredients existed but we did not. We were purposely created as a soul, using the 3D body and world as the crucible. We build our identity and cherish it accordingly. We extend and individuate with our freedom of choice.
Our ultimate value is not just our formation, but our impact on the transformation of the encompassing consciousness that fostered us and our world. How do we affect that transformation?
First, we knit together and modify our strands. These strands are previously birthed aspects of greater consciousness. We might call this process extension and knitting. As consciousness extends itself with new souls, it forms unique aspects. Knitting brings the aspects toward a wholeness, valuing the combined differences in a context of forming yet another soul. We are simultaneously developing a unique and individual perspective while knitting together in a more complex way the perspectives we’ve been endowed with as strands.
Second, we interact with and modify energy. We observe and interact with energy of others, the world around us, and by agreement we can modify and be modified by that interaction. We gain knowledge through experience and learning, and we and the knowledge change in the process. Every change we make to ourselves can have an impact on the greater consciousness from which we emerged.
Third, we contribute to conflict resolution. Given our constitution as a unique combination of differences (via different strands), we come pre-loaded with harmony in certain areas and disharmony in others. Conflict is inevitable, because at every moment of choice our strands will not perceive and contribute to responses identically. It is a consequential result of creation that we end up in this situation. Duality exists to support creation, producing deviation from the norm; yet, in total there is balance and wholeness to be maintained. Individuality cannot exist with sameness. Difference is important and vital to creation.
It’s easier to recognize differences between us and an apparent “other”; but, there are differences within us, and they can be recognized also as we become more aware of them.
The other day, I gave myself a simple example of my internal differences. It was a beautiful day outside, but I had low energy. One part of me wanted to get outside and get some exercise, plus work on improving my laboring golf swing. Another part of me wanted to stay home and try to develop a further and deeper understanding of these concepts I’ve been exploring. A third part said, “pack it in and take a nap!”.
I could look at it as three different tendencies within me pushing against each other: 1) my impatience and drive to improve myself through shear physical effort alone (brute force), 2) my increasing tendency to tune into and connect with guidance, and 3) a frustrated and cynical self that tires of either approach and wants to take some time out. I had to decide on one of those three, or a fourth option. It goes on like this constantly (rarely with the same internal participants and conflicts) but I usually barely think about it and just make a choice and move on, resolving the conflict exactly as my moment to moment reality is designed to force me to do. Whether my choices provide lasting conflict resolution is beyond me to know, but I can see how the process contributes to it. More so, I can see value in the differences within me.
It is not difficult to scale this example to conflicts between individual and groups of individuals.
Life is being lived at every level.
We can only be aware of a very small part of our total self. Our Earth life, viewed in the context of the greater being, is created (at least, in part) to contribute to the growth and knowledge and transformation of greater consciousness, and the same is the case at every “level”.
We are created from the greater, guided by the greater, yet have our own identity and will to live our reality at our level, growing ourselves and transforming that of which we are a part of.