Rita — session one of three

Rita and I had to put some time and effort into this. The things we do for you! J There are two more segments, when I get them typed in and printed.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

F: 6:15 a.m. Well, Rita, it looks like there’s more to your daughter’s question than I realized. I think we did answer what was put into words, but there is this background.

[Uri: “Thanks for asking. There is some good information, but it still doesn’t seem to answer the question of are we learning, growing and evolving though our lifetimes.? Meaning is the knowledge and wisdom that we gain in one life carried over to another? If not then what IS the meaning of life and point of numerous lifetimes?”]

F: Then, this longer explanation of where the question came from:

[Uri: “The question came from 2 main things. When Katelyn (my oldest daughter) was 2 she told me that `her last future lifetime is in China.’ I started to ask her `when you were in China,’ she interrupted me and said, `I’M IN CHINA NOW!, my being is in China NOW!’ She told me that she grows rice and dies in a flood in the Yangtze River. Then when she was 19 she called me up and told me that that she died in her life in China.

“Out of the mouths of babes…..

“The second, I wrote a book, very popular with all of my students and others…called Transform Your Life Now! The Key to Excelling on All Levels. The premise that I brought though from The Divine Mother is that we go through our lifetimes in the order of the chairs system. So first we have and master our 1st Chakra, Survival, lifetimes and then we end mastering our 7th chakra lifetimes, spiritual…

“Just like Mom is famous for her I level breakdowns, I am well known for my Chakra lifetime breakdowns… Just like you can not expect someone in Jr. high to understand what someone in Grad school knows, you can not expect someone on a 3rd chakra life (will/will power) to understand someone on a 6th chakra life (psychic, perception, healing).

“Very highly evolved people have said that it makes perfect sense and they wish that they had come up with the concept…

“There is of course a lot more to it…

“So the question is are we evolving as we go through our lifetimes, using what we learned in the `previous life’ to be more conscious in the next one. And if that is true how is it simultaneous? Even if you use the idea of a multiplex theater and how in `Illusions,’ Donald who uses the movie example says `It depends on which one you see first.’ But how can you see it first if it is simultaneous?

“Is that clearer?

“Thanks again for asking.”]

F: So, it this something you feel ready and willing to tackle?

R: Of course willing. As to able – let’s see. It can be reconciled – can the basis for the reconciliation be made clear. The obstacle as usual is the distortions in concepts (as well as in perception) caused by 3D conditions. But then, this is always going to be the obstacle.

F: You might mention the nature of the difficulty you are hesitating over, here. (I can feel it.)

R: Finding the multiplex cinema analogy was helpful because it could illustrate several aspects of the situation easily and concisely. We need something of equal value here, because the answer would tie together several ideas not usually associated in people’s minds. This means we have to find a simple way to say something new, rather than merely finding a simple way to show the meaning of something familiar but misunderstood.

F: And it is always easier to begin complicated and work our way back to simple. At least, that’s my experience.

R: It isn’t that it is easier, but it is more practical. That is, we find our way around obstacles, getting only glimpses, until we finally have it, at which time it is relatively easy to describe what until then had been maddeningly vague and contradictory and incomplete, all at the same time.

F: Mathematicians find (I gather) that a true expression is always elegant. Somebody – Bucky Fuller? – said that truth always turns out to be beautiful; he wasn’t talking about abstract truth, I don’t think. I think he meant his models based on mathematics – the geodesic dome, say. At any rate, can you see your way at least into the thicket, if not also out of it?

R: I really don’t know, and we won’t unless we try, will we?

F: You can’t go forward and look?

R: To show you “the” future, you mean?

F: But surely there are timelines which have the answer, timelines where you figured out how to say it, and said it, and I got it.

R: That assumption illustrates part of the problem, but it doesn’t help us overcome it. That is, it is true but not quite how you are thinking of it, and so it is not nearly as helpful as you might think.

F: Can you explain, or should we pursue the original questions?

R: It is all interconnected. As I say, it stems from 3D-time distortion of your perceptions and, therefore, your conceptions – and vice-versa.

Well, let’s begin and see where we wind up. Let’s start with the question of whether we accumulate knowledge and wisdom from one lifetime to another.


I don’t know how to approach this. It has all been said, yet it has been misinterpreted. Let’s begin with a somewhat wordy summary of the situation, if need be. Maybe we’ll get a lighting flash what will clarify the explanation and the need for the explanation.

F: Interesting to see you struggle with this. I’m half-inclined to apologize for putting you to the trouble.

R: Difficulty is its own reward, you know that – or why do you do crosswords? But – it does present difficulty. It is all in finding the right point of entry.

F: How did the multiplex cinema idea occur to you?

R: How do ideas ever occur to anybody, in 3D or otherwise? I associated with the right mind and it precipitated.

F: Huh?

R: You know how sometimes when you are momentarily stumped, you almost go blank, waiting, and then an answer comes to you? Or maybe it doesn’t at the time but does later?

F: Like fishing for somebody’s name?

R: Like that. You think a file clerk tracks down the information for you?

F: I have wondered, sometimes, but I don’t have any real idea how it’s done.

R: “Having an idea” about it isn’t important. Having familiarity with the experience, is. Ideas are associations of fragments, and one way to encourage the associating is to hold an open question as a sort of platform for the various pieces to be drawn to, until they spontaneously assemble themselves into a coherent whole.

F: I hope you don’t think that is clear.

R: It is clear enough for our purposes. The science of it is for others to pursue. One clue: What they will observe in the physical brain is only the shadow of what really goes on in the mind, because the physical field is so limited. They never see the game board entire, nor do they see the vast majority of the pieces.

F: Still, isn’t there a “place” in non-3D where you have already figured out how to answer this question, that you can go to now, since you can range through time?

R: You don’t know what you’re asking. You want me to take a photograph of the pyramids before we have finished building them.

F: No, it’s true I don’t understand the difficulty involved. But we’re 30 minutes into this and we haven’t made any progress on your daughter’s questions.

R: It is what you sometimes call “clearing the shrubbery,” but in this case the clearing is mostly invisible. Let’s do something a little different. You go shower and shave, and get dressed and come back and we’ll resume. That will provide a pause – on both ends – that may allow the bright idea to manifest.

F: Every time I think I understand the process, sooner or later I am reminded that I don’t, really.

R: Think of yourself as an engineer, less interested in theory than in finding what works.

F: My engineer friends will find that an entertaining idea. Okay, back later. (7 a.m.)


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