In the fall of 2001, as Rita Warren and I were doing weekly sessions with The Guys Upstairs, I was transcribing each week’s session and posting them to a mailing list of people interested in Monroe Institute type topics. In time, some began proposing questions for us to ask the guys. At the end of October, a few weeks after the September 11 incident, one asked a series of related questions, asking what the guys knew about the reptilian agenda, the 13 Illuminati bloodlines, control of humans by chloride, chemtrails, injection of minute computer chips by flu injections, the building of prisons and concentration camps throughout the United States for people after martial law is declared, and FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency officially tasked with coordinating response to disasters such as hurricanes, but suspected by some of having another agenda.The guys responded, more or less, “nothing” — and then went on to what Rita and I thought was a very important and illuminating answer.
F: Now, let us really get down to this. This is going to take a little bit, but it’s very worthwhile We began by telling you that this is quite disturbing material, and not many people are going to like it, necessarily. Which is bothering Frank, you see.
R: Mm-hmm.
F: [pause] When a person who is idealistic, or even decent – using good and evil terms, but we need to use them for the moment – when a good and decent person sees what to them appears evil, it is very natural for them to oppose the evil. That’s the nature of things.
When such a person gets into a state of fear, the fear conjures up the shadows in all directions, and if they are not careful they will wind up in a labyrinth of shadows that leaves them feeling powerless, threatened, oppressed – and they can wind up becoming some of the worst oppressors the world has ever seen. We’ll give you specific examples, because Frank’s got ‘em in his data base. And the first one is something that was called the Great Terror.
Back in the 1700s, in France, when the French Revolution began, the peasantry and the lower middle classes overthrew the aristocracy, which had kept them very severely downtrodden. In their initial freedom, for the first time in recorded western history the great terror came, the great fear, because they began to fear that there were plots to re-deprive them of their freedom, you see. Having gained an amazing change in their lifetimes, they feared that that change would be overthrown, because they knew full well, and accurately, that the old order wasn’t going to just throw up its hands, but would counter-attack them. Having no way of gauging what the counter-attack would be, having no experience of the aristocracy and what their limitations and abilities were, the minds of the people began generating more and more fears, and the fears became exaggerated. And the fears had no limits, because they had no data, you see.
Now, it’s well known how rumor will exaggerate, and it’s well known, or should be well known, how a mob will have a mentality lower than any of the individuals comprising the mob. Put those two things together, and you have the emotional beginnings of the reign of terror, that happened in France. The Reign of Terror was started by people who themselves were in terror. They were fearing to lose what they had gained; they knew they had real enemies, but didn’t know where they were; they knew they were facing real dangers but didn’t know what they were, and they knew they had to take action, and the action took on a life of its own. As it always does.
The Russian Revolution happened in more or less the same way. The peasants freed themselves from a thousand years of oppression; they were being attacked by real forces from the west and also they were being opposed by forces of their own aristocracy, who were also of course being financed and supported by the west. Again, not knowing who the enemy was, not knowing what the enemy could do, not knowing the limits and nature of the threat, the terror that they were in created a terror that was aimed outwards. And to look at it from a point of view of good and evil, evil came directly from fear, and the fear came from people who were doing something that they regarded as good, countering something that was too vague for them to be able to attack.
And we’re going to bring in an example that bears on it, although it’s not directly to it, and that is the Luddites. You may have heard of people who in the early 1800s in England began smashing machinery — looms and things — because they recognized that automation, even the limited kind of automation that was there then, was going to put people out of work, and they knew there was no social support network — there wasn’t even a word for such a thing — and they knew they were facing starvation and ruin. And so they began destroying the machinery, trying to protect what they knew, against they knew not what. All right. Now, that’s not relevant in the form or the terror; it’s relevant in the form of the unknown that’s going to transform their lives there.
Now, let’s come more directly to the question.
The people in America and certain countries in Western Europe have a great disadvantage in that they mostly believe that their government is good, whereas most of the rest of the world knows that their own governments are not good. Americans are beginning to realize that government is not good, and in that realization, it leaves them somewhat at sea. When people are faced with realizations that they can’t handle, and dangers that they can’t weigh, one possible result is to follow people who say, “it is the Bilderberger group, it is the Illuminati, it is this, it is that, it is the Rockefellers, it is George Schultz, it is – name something.” Even though, or perhaps we should say because, they know there is a threat, they cannot judge the threat, and they’re willing to listen to someone who tells them with great confidence, “this is the threat, I know what it is, here’s what you need to do.”
Now, we’re probably going to offend everyone in sight, but – that’s the way it is. Government at all levels, top to bottom, is set up for one reason but actually functions at a day-to-day level for a different reason. A government functionary is in business primarily to protect his own function, and secondarily to profit from that function as he can, depending on his own level of what you might call corruption, and what he might call self-interest. There was a congressman who said that the motto of Congress is “nothing for nothing”; that is to say, having the ability to make a decision that will make major money for one sector, or cost money to another sector, they see no reason not to profit personally from that decision.
It’s worse than that, though.
In your time, your governments have totally become captive of those who have the money. Money has always run politics, but in this case, you now have your criminals running your institutions. People know this, and are getting somewhat desperate about it, but they haven’t thought it through to realize that it isn’t a few criminals who threaten an otherwise good institution, and it isn’t that some people are good and some are evil. It is that, inherent in the nature of your society as constituted is the predatory society that Bob Monroe talked about. Once organized criminals overcame the reluctance that they had to take over civil society – and they did have such a reluctance – there was nothing to stop them from doing it. And they have done it. You have things done in your name every day that would appall you, were you to be aware of it, and you have no more ability to stop it than you have to fly to the moon, in your body.
Now, when you watch people overseas cheering because Americans were killed, you are seeing those people reacting to what they know of what your government has done in your name. What they don’t know, of course, and you do know, is what their government is doing in their name.
In such a predatory situation, predators rise to the top of the heap, in terms of power and influence, and for you to assume that your secret services, or your law enforcement officers, or your government officials of any kind, have anything that they hold higher than their own self-interest would be naïve to an almost unforgivable extent at this point, because there’s too much evidence against it.
Very bleak picture that we’ve just painted here, but it’s important for you to realize that we see this. Having said this, this is not the whole picture, and the people who are following the trails of the Illuminati and the other secret societies that they think are running things don’t realize that what they’re doing is making a behind-the-scenes assumption that government is usually good and is being threatened by a takeover by these people behind the scenes. In actual fact, governments are always in one way or another a conspiracy. You have had the unusual experience of having governments that were more or less neutral, and in fact in the perspective of history almost startlingly idealistic, particularly the British, the American and the Scandinavian governments. They were almost uniquely – well, we can’t at all say corruption-free, but they did their jobs, and their ideal was to do the job, rather than the ideal and the necessity being “milk the job for what it’s worth so that when you’re out of office you won’t be destitute.”
Now, we want to change the point of view a little bit. Take a congressman, or a policeman on the take, or any corrupt individual anywhere, and what you will find is a person in a position who says, “I am here for now; I won’t be here forever, and these people –” For instance, a policeman guarding rich people. He doesn’t regard rich people as being better than him because they have money, he regards them as having money because in one way or another the deck was rigged. We would not disagree with that. So it becomes harder and harder for a policeman to maintain social order – which is what he’s supposedly paid to do – when what it really means is protect the privilege of people who he may not have any respect for at all.
If you have a civil servant who has to make a zoning decision, or a decision between contractors, the idealistic way of looking at it is, to do what’s in the public interest. What seems like realism to him is, “these people are going to make a fortune on this; there’s no reason why I shouldn’t have some of it myself. I would be a fool not to.” So you have a situation in which your average citizen is taught an entirely incorrect view of civics and politics, and is kept in the dark about the real way that your society is managed, because t is not in the interest of the people who own the media and the means of information to make those things known.
In that situation, which could be defined as a vacuum of information, people see with their eyes that things are rotten, but they don’t know why, and they don’t know how, and so there comes the great terror, you see. Now, the joker in the deck is this. That’s the grim situation as it looks from a Downstairs perspective, but guess what. The deck can be stacked from the other side, and we’re stacking it every day. Does that adequately answer the question, do you think?
R: [pause] Well–
F: We sense “no.” [they laugh]
R: You’re stacking the deck.
F: Oh, sure. Remember, we said on 9-11 that all the people who were in the planes and the buildings, including the hijackers, were all volunteers? That’s what we mean. We’re inventing the scenarios as we go along. We, as one, have our own game plan in order to move your society from where it is to where it will be more effective in bringing us to the next level that we’re talking about. We don’t really care so much who gets a sewer contract, and we don’t care whether cocaine flows between countries or not. What we do care is, whether we move toward the next level of being where you will all live more conscious of other aspects of yourself. That is to say, we will begin to create One World, all right, but it’s going to be one world of people who are aware of their connection to us.
In other words, your next step is, you’ll recognize yourselves as individuals, and you’ll also recognize yourselves as part of us. And when that happens, the political problems and the social injustices that many of you attempted to concentrate on will fall off by themselves. You know, when people change their view of themselves to realize that it’s not just a pretty fantasy to say that all men are brothers, but to realize that you’re much closer than brothers, when people realize that they themselves are part of an immortal being, and their neighbors and friends and lovers and opponents and enemies are part of that same being, it changes everything. So, we’re not concerned with politics or ideology except in terms of pushing the society.
R: And so all is well.
F: All is always well. [pause] Now, let’s go on – This is a little personal, but he doesn’t care.
This is part of the struggle that he’s having in terms of living in faith. One learns to live in faith by increments. And so, he learned to live in faith about his business years ago, and say, “well, I don’t know where the money’s coming from, I don’t know where the customers are or what will happen, but my feeling is, it will be okay, I can live knowing that we’ll be taken care of because we’re doing good work.” And that came to him. But this level now is one he’s still struggling with, because he knows enough, in enough levels, of the seemingly invulnerable, sickening corruption of the whole thing. He loves his country, and he hates what it’s becoming, and he hates the way it’s been hijacked, and what’s been done in its name, and he recognizes his own helplessness on a Downstairs level to do anything about it. And he’s had to learn, as you all have to learn, to live in faith that all is well, all is always well. But that doesn’t come easy. It may come easily, and if it does, you’re fortunate. But it may be a struggle. It may be a very serious struggle.
Ah! An example. Just as many of you had a tremendous problem with the people who got killed in New York that day, he did not, because in his case he said, “okay, I can see that, that’s part of the plan.” But there are other things that he has to struggle with. That’s all. The only way to learn to live in faith is to live in faith, and that implies a struggle, until you get past it at whatever particular issue is there. Many people worry about their health, or about their life insurance; what’s going to happen in their old age. Or they worry about crime or they about the million things people worry about. And many of those he doesn’t worry about. But he’s not truly worrying about things, there are still things that concern him. Okay? [pause]
We seriously doubt he wants us to say any more about that! [laugh]
R: I’d just like to ask, in responding to this person’s question, because of all of the suggestions being made about the Illuminati and all the others, what’s an appropriate response for people to make to it?
F: Oh that’s an excellent question! The appropriate response is what we just said; learn to live in faith. That doesn’t mean to put blinders on and walk around saying “all is well” as a mantra, it means reaching within yourself and developing your own consciousness and getting a better relationship with us, and a wider and a deeper relationship with us, and at some point you’ll know that all is well.
Now. That says nothing about whether or not a person should get involved in politics or should get involved in civic affairs, or put on camouflage clothing and head for the hills. It doesn’t say anything about that. But it says that one – and to our mind the one – effective response is to become more closely tied to your own Upstairs development, and to live your life according to your guidance. Everything else can be and often is only a distraction from your real task.
R: So even the notion of trying to be helpful to your fellow man in whatever way you can contribute –
F: Well, there’s certainly no contradiction there. You know yourself, looking at your own self, as you increase your links to your higher self, to your larger being, to your unconscious self, as you firm those links, you become more altruistic, you become more interested in doing good, which is the only useful thing you can do over there. So to our mind that takes care of itself. We can’t imagine becoming in closer touch with their higher self and becoming more selfish, or becoming more interested in piling up goods and the stupidities of power and wealth.
R: Okay, I guess I am still wanting to speak to the people who are supporting these organizations that seem to me are so awash in fear.
F: Yes, well, we don’t think there’s really a rational counter to such fear, if it doesn’t come out of a person’s personal experience of knowing that they are protected and that all is well. And we don’t know any other way for them to get that experience except to deepen their relationship to their larger being. And then if that deeper relationship tells them there is a danger, well and good. But we think that many people fall into fear because they fear that they’re on their own. That is to say, that there is nothing policing the universe except Downstairs.
And so they engage in romantic dreams — or in desperate dreams — of guerrilla warfare against an all-encompassing state, or of political campaigns that will overthrow the corrupt, and all that. To our mind, that’s escapism. And you’ll notice, we have not said they’ve made up a threat that doesn’t exist. We’ve said that they are being inappropriately concrete about the threat. They’re thinking they know more about it than they do, and they’re not addressing it in the most effective way, which is to strengthen themselves as individuals by connecting with their higher selves. That will seem to be nothing by quietism or escapism, but “seeming” doesn’t have much to do with what really is.
R: This is so important, and so importantly said, that I would like to cut this off for tonight.
F: All right.
R: More questions will be available next time.
F: All right, that’s fine. Well, we thank you for your participation.