A working model of minds on the other side (4)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

11 a.m. All right, so let us bring our charts to another level of complexity. Again, do this in pencil so that you will be less prone to anxiety about it, knowing that you (we) don’t have to get it “right” the first time. And of course what applies to you applies to many others, who will find our anxiety-avoidance techniques useful, perhaps.

You remember the basic diagram. Copy it in when you put this on the machine.



Now, looking at it, realize that each circle is not a unit but is in itself a complex structure, or meeting-point, or focus (however you would like to think of it) all parts of which may come into play in different circumstances. Let’s start on your side for convenience, working this from the familiar to the less familiar (although “familiar” is a very relative term, and in a way could be considered to mean “the unknown that you think you know”).

You see we start off with 1A and 1S, your dimensions — your heredity, as Yeats would say, physical and nonphysical. Putting one above and the other below is merely convention: they could be portrayed in reverse order, or side-by-side — only why overturn convention without specific reason? It only makes things harder, by introducing another complication.

You see the value of sketches, and of pencil (or rather, of eraser!) — increased clarity results and in turn is depicted. Thus you erase “connections” and write “heredity” as you realize that “connections” belongs to a different order of affiliation.

So, you add 1R for those nonphysical beings with whom you share resonance (thus bypassing questions of reincarnation) and 1F for physical beings with whom you share residents, F for a friend.

So we begin the other drawings. Looking at 1A we find: genetic inheritance of characteristics, genetic and habit-formation inheritance through the family, and the overall influence of the culture one is born into. These all affect the individual every day but usually mostly below the threshold of consciousness.

Looking next at 1S for your nonphysical heredity: developed tendencies of thought and inclination, and closely related to that, skills and knacks developed over repeated lifetimes. Also past associates of the blood or otherwise, which differs from 1R because while you are on the same wavelength with those you resonate with (by definition), any given life will shovel you into relationship with people you don’t resonate with. You have some point in common, or you could not meet — but you are not naturally in instinctive sympathy. Nonetheless the shared experience provides a link that otherwise would not be there. (It is, remember, one prime advantage of life in the physical that it allows one to associate with others of such different wavelengths that they would never easily meet on this side.) Finally we could add that which you have loved or valued. If you reread Moby-Dick seven times, or read the Bible every year like Cayce, or if you were an admirer of Napoleon or of Wellington, or if you haunted the opera or the theater, or if you were bonded to animals or trees or loved to play cards or — anything — that old connection survives, perhaps unsuspected or experienced but inexplicable to you.

Of the presence in your psyche of 1F, friends and lovers, there should be no need to say much. This is always well known. The tie between friends or between lovers may be more mysterious or complex — certainly more volatile — than is commonly experienced; nonetheless no mammal — and you are mammals while in the body, however you may think of yourselves — no mammal can live alone without shivering.

Of your nonphysical associates (1R) you have been getting some slow education. If you as a conscious creature in time-space contain all these elements, think how complex is your energy signature! Think how many, many different ways-lengths you may resonate to. Again, it is in physical matter that the universe as we know it gains so many possibilities of self-referencing incremental complexity.

That’s enough for the moment.

Yes. I think I’ll merge these three drawings into one.

Do, and copy it here, and more can be (and may be) added in time.

Thank you as always.



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