Monday, March 17, 2025
5 a.m. This endless struggle with weight. I see, looking back, that I actually topped 230 one day. I struggle, regain ground by inches, but every time I do, the base camp is higher. I don’t remember when, but I remember that I was within sight of being less than 200 once, and lost the battle. Maybe there is a reason for it. Maybe the extra flesh serves a purpose. Women channelers are notoriously though of course not unanimously heavy.
I spent some time yesterday with the Mind Mirror report from the program I did in 2018, but I need to coordinate it now and it is in that intermediate stage of being a mess.
Guys? A word?
You know that continuity is your besetting problem. You have, from time to time, looked for some way to provide yourself a workbook or a chart or some physical device to remind you of what you want to do, and it has rarely worked because you nonetheless “changed channel,” forgot, went on to other things or other non-things.
Guilty as charged, or perhaps I should say, unfortunate as charged, because God knows I don’t like my predicament. Just like trying to lose weight, come to think of it. I hare off elsewhere. And ironically, I remember, we have discussed this before, in the context of Gurdjieff’s idea of multiple “I”s taking over the helm.
So what can be done?
A very good question indeed. And the answer is?
Clearly it can only involve consciousness. Even if you (or we) could invent a way to keep autonomisms conscious, what would be the point? The trick is to widen and lengthen as well as deepen, your consciousness.
And we do this how?
Haven’t we been working with you on this for years? What do you think Life More Abundantly is? Why do we seek to help you make your robots serve a consistent conscious will, rather than serving obsolete or intermittent versions of past conscious or unconscious moments? Why have we been talking about sins (missing the mark) and virtues? Why giving examples like John Tettemer and Carl Jung and Bronson Alcott? Why nudging you toward essentials rather than distractions?
It seems that to you all this is part of some overarching pattern. I almost get it, but not quite. It seems like it needs one last key element to make it gel.
Your own discontent with your life is the most powerful solvent, if used right. If only fruitless regrets or memories of past emotions, what good can that do you? But if you use the data as data points should be used – as raw material for the perception of patterns – then what a wealth of information you – anyone – accumulate in the course of a lifetime!
And our Upstairs component is the data cruncher.
Can be. Depends on the strength of your connection.
Okay, I think it’s coming a little clearer. Let me try. Our hope of greater consciousness (which includes greater continuity, not less than greater breadth of field and depth of insight) depends upon our having (1) a good connection Upstairs (to provide us with insights) and (2) a relatively clear field for analysis, unobstructed by defenses, prejudices, obsolete robots, bad habits, and what I might call unwholesome preferences.
All true.
And of course that means we have to keep working on ourselves.
Working on yourself is the only work there is. Out of that work may come great good for other individuals and for “the world” in general. Think of the eventual influence of Thoreau or Emerson, for instance, if only in sparking and encouraging others. Their influence on the world followed their work on themselves – in this life and in prior life – and if it became a reciprocating process, still the intent had to come first. Who ever did good before deciding to be good? Who helped, not intending to help?
Seems you’re getting on shaky ground with those last couple of statements.
Leave them, then. The rest should be plain enough. But you see, you do understand what we are saying.
This is Thoreau’s “divine discontent,” isn’t it?
In part. But none of you needs to model yourself on famous others except in so far as it helps you recruit your own powers. Your uniqueness will mean that you automatically fail to be anyone else! And the person you wish you were like may have wished s/he was like you! You can only be yourself, but within that limitation, you will find scope enough for choice, because there’s many a different you that can develop, depending upon your choices.
Not that we haven’t been saying all this, year in and year out. We don’t mean, “You haven’t been listening.” You have. But still it bears repeating.
You are also saying, between the lines, as you long have said, Cherish our individuality, because change isn’t necessarily progress or regress, just new opportunities for expression.
Also true.
Of course, this still doesn’t give me access to greater continuity of intent.
No, you have continuity of intent. What you lack is continuity of execution, or let’s say continuity of consciousness.
Which you can’t help me with.
Not in the sense of magic formulas. We have given you plenty of concepts and hints and proposed habits, over the years.
Which I continually forget.
Stay as close to your unconscious as possible, but at the same time live in the 3D world: Put your attention there. That’s all you can do, all you need do.
If you say so. Well, this has given me a blog post, anyway.
You’re welcome.
Our thanks as always. What should we call this?
“Continuity,” surely.
This is very helpful–determining to work on self (intent), identifying our own patterns/data points for something like discontent, maintaining our intent to address it through a continuity of consciousness, and executing habits that support that intent through a continuity of execution. All while asking for help every step of the way. A working plan for working on ourselves. Thank you for the clarity of this.
You’re welcome. it was a gift to me as well, of course.