Rupert Sheldrake: Wikipedia Under Threat

Wikipedia Under Threat

by Rupert Sheldrake

Wikipedia is a wonderful invention. But precisely because it’s so trusted and convenient, people with their own agendas keep trying to take it over. Editing wars are common. According to researchers at Oxford University, the most controversial subjects worldwide include Israel and God.

This is not surprising. Everyone knows that there are opposing views on politics and religion, and many people recognize a biased account when they see it. But in the realm of science, things are different. Most people have no scientific expertise and believe that science is objective. Their trust is now being abused systematically by a highly motivated group of activists called Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia.

Continue reading Rupert Sheldrake: Wikipedia Under Threat

And I should believe you?

 I keep thinking about all the certainties I read about; all the people who know

  • everything that is being plotted;
  • the secret levers behind every news story;
  • the “real” history that has been hidden from us;
  • the true secret intentions of this or that person in the news.

I lose patience. My thoughts go roughly like this.

Continue reading And I should believe you?

A war on hatred

I hope this doesn’t come out too preachy. It’s been on my mind for a while now.

Against my wishes, I hear a certain amount of the on-going political campaign, which may be summarized, as usual, thus: “It’s us against them, and this year they’re better financed than ever. We need your help to save the republic from ____ [fill in the blank depending on which party or ideology you identify with]. Do you want [demons du jour] running the country, making the laws, subverting the constitution? If not, you have to be with US!”

The lyrics vary from time to time, but not the tune. Continue reading A war on hatred