TGU & Thomas: Introduction


TGU and the Gospel of Thomas:

An Exploration

Copyright 2020 by Frank DeMarco



To Jon Klimo, tireless investigator into the process of communicating with the non-physical,


To those who understand that Jesus intended for us “to have life more abundantly.”



This material appeared session by session on my blog,

Reader feedback and commentary aided the process if only by providing community.

As my friend Dana Redfield used to say, “No one crosses alone.”




The Sayings




The Gospel of Thomas is pretty much an orphan. Its legitimacy is unquestioned, but it is not ranked with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The fact that it is a compilation of things Jesus said, rather than a narrative of his life and career, in itself sets Thomas off from the other gospels. Worse, it often has Jesus saying things that seem to make no sense. (Stephan Davies, whose translation is followed here, repeatedly admits to being puzzled by the contents.)

But if scholars and theologians can’t make sense of this gospel, what makes me think I can?

The short answer is that I, unassisted, couldn’t. Whatever value this examination has stems from its production via ILC.

ILC stands for Intuitive Linked Communication, a specialized form of what is called channeling. Unlike trance channeling, ILC does not involve one party setting his or her consciousness aside. Instead, the conscious mind is very much present. For as long as I am consciously linked to the non-physical (or, as we have taken to calling it, the non-3D), we form one temporary group mind, which facilitates the flow of information from either side to the other. Sometimes those on the other end of the line request me to phrase things for them; other times, the information flows freely and my job is to be an efficient secretary. The point is, a conscious 3D-oriented intelligence is always part of the process.

This has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, my conscious participation allows me to question, react, object, and suggest as we go along. Thus saves later having to wonder if they meant this or that, or wish that I had raised this or that objection. On the other hand, my own self-consciousness sometimes interferes with the flow. However, we have had decades of practice. We do the best we can, and one way or another the job gets done.

This particular series of conversations began May 10, 2019, and concluded July 27, working nearly every morning. In that time, we examined all 114 sayings, though at first I thought perhaps we would look at only a few. As is my habit, the dialogue was recorded in longhand in my journal, then transcribed and reprinted here with only minor editing. I reformatted the material to emphasize the sayings, rather than the date and time that the sessions took place. I also omitted the date and time at the beginning, and, mostly, my customary thanks to “the guys” at the end of each session. Otherwise, the record is as it developed in my journal morning by morning, with my contributions in italic and “theirs” in Roman.


The Sayings

Friday, May 10, 2019, 3:40 a.m.   

I am very interested in where this is going. There are sayings in the Gospel of Thomas that I think I understand and others that I don’t, and as long as we’re not assuming that Jesus himself is talking to us, I ought to be able to bring through what after all might be only your opinion (or mine) on specific things. As it is a “sayings” gospel rather than a narrative of events, we may wind up going through the entire thing. That’s unless you have another way to go about our investigation.

Well, it would be worthwhile for you – for everybody interested in the subject – to go through the synoptic gospels [Matthew, Mark and Luke] at least, bearing in mind what we said, that Jesus is saying how the 3D world is, and how it is not, the center of human existence. Reading his words bearing this in mind should give a different slant on things than perhaps the reader will have had. And, if you will assume that this is what Jesus had in mind throughout his life, the doings attributed to him may become clearer, as well, bearing in mind that the evangelists were recording what they regarded as to the point. They didn’t mention the color of his hair, nor other ephemera. What they recorded, they recorded for a purpose. They were testifying to something with a goal. Keeping that in mind will also help clarify your thoughts. We will not turn this into Bible Study, so if you are to get that, you will have to get it on your own, and, indeed, once you have the key, it is not difficult. Let us stick to the difficult issues.

Okay, ready if you are. Do we begin with the beginning of the book or do I skip around finding things that puzzle me, or what?

Let us rather begin at the beginning and skip those that seem obvious to you.

Well, we begin nonetheless at the beginning, because the very first saying is, if not cryptic, at least subject to more than one interpretation.

If that is to be your criterion, we will peruse the entire book, not that this would be a problem.

Well, it might become a copyright problem, if I ever wanted to turn this into a book. We will be using the translation by Stevan Davies, copyrighted 2002, which means more or less when Rita and I were engaged in our weekly talks with TGU. [In 2001-2002, Rita Warren and I conducted a series of weekly altered-state conversations with what I called “the gentlemen upstairs,” or TGU. Twenty-two of these sessions were transcribed and published in 2008 at The Sphere and the Hologram.]

The sayings are numbered, and I will retain the numbers in case that becomes of use in discussion. I will omit Davies’ marginal notes explaining matters of fact, as well as those offering his speculation or explanation of various sayings.

“These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and that Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down.


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