John Dorsey Wolf: Picking power and its consequences


Picking Power–And Its Consequences

A lesson for me that may be useful for others.

By John Dorsey Wolf

There are many kinds of power that thrive in our 21st century American materialistic society. For example: money power; idolizing power of entertainers, sports figures, supermodels; political power; power of position or job authority, and powers to govern and protect.

It is not uncommon to witness these powers being sought in excess or abused.  Beliefs in a dead-end universe, where life is accidental and without meaning; where life ends at death with no spiritual realms or existence of spiritual beings; where we exist alone and isolated to fend for ourselves for food, clothing, shelter, health, and physical safety exacerbate fears that fuel excesses and abuses.

Our society breeds other kinds of powers as well: creative, entrepreneurial, pioneering, self-initiating, competitive, risk-taking, paradigm-shifting powers with emphasis on independence and freedom of choice for every individual.  There are powers of support, compassion, and respect that can be energized.

Yet there are many people (including me) who feel powerless at one time or another.  They do not feel in control of their lives, their own welfare, or that of their family.  They feel powerless in the face of man-made or natural disasters, greed, diseases, recessions, corruption, oppression, racism, violence and abuse.

In response to our feelings of powerlessness, what kind of force do we (meaning me and my strands) seek?  How do we go about getting it?  And what kind of mind do we form in the process? 

(The following is a different perspective on power, associated with one of my strands, an African matriarch.)

“You might say she lived in poverty.  But that wouldn’t be correct.  She did live without wealth.  She did not have material trappings.  But she had all she needed and lived a life that had a depth of love, experience, dedication and loyalty that would not be possible in a more complex materialistic culture.

She knew of powers beyond hers and other humans.  She was aware of other humans who dealt with these powers, but her life centered on a faith that the land, the animals, the tribe, and life itself would supply what was needed.  Her family was self-sustaining.  They farmed and they hunted.  They brought home food as necessary to live, but only that, and never in excess.  The clothes they wore were largely made by themselves.

Their expectations were simple: to live for each other, to love each other, to support each other, to share in the work of life to make living as a family and a tribe possible.  If death came, it came, and there was an acceptance, without judgement of fairness, or duration, or quality. She accepted life and feared not death.

Death held no power over her.  Money held no power over her.  Losing a standard of living or quality of life held no power over her, because it was what it was, and nothing was accumulated to lose.

She was steadfast in her role as the family matriarch.  She was strength to her family’s culture, how they respected each other, how they approached their own life, how they worked together in silent symphony. She was the steady, day-in day-out, season to season leader, through the ups and downs.  But she did not lead by authority: she led because she knew the way to be and it was clear to all that her way was the best way.  Quiet, calm, lasting.

Hers was not the job of protector, but she had faith and confidence in those whose role it was.  She found little value in fearing enemies, albeit there were few.

What can you learn from her about power? (The following answer came with the question.)

The power that comes from freedom from fear.  The power that comes from an acceptance of what is.  The power that comes from a confidence in self, that what you are able to do is enough.  The power that comes from lack of want of fame, or fortune or notoriety.  The power to be herself with her family and her tribe as expressed from the inside out.  The power of not needing to know more, but a wisdom that what was necessary to know would be given. The power of being at peace with life.”

The power of the African matriarch is an eternal power, a power of Love and faith.  Its an allowance of flow of the greatest and purest energy there is, the Love of Spirit, through oneself and through others, with the intent being: it doing its will. It happens naturally when there is alignment of interest with the greater being.

Nevertheless, the level of complexity and pioneering or entrepreneurial power will be likely more active in a mind produced in the 21st century than one produced in the time and place of the matriarch.

If one believes in a dead-end universe and that we are isolated in a materialistic world, one’s search for power could gravitate to a me-first, enough is never enough, dog-eat-dog mentality.

Alternatively, if we believe that we are part of a greater reality; we are part of a greater consciousness; and we are preparing our mind for an eternal non-physical existence, then our decisions about power will be different.

Different times, places, and cultures are conducive to the production of different kinds of minds with different approaches to power.  Power itself is neither bad nor good.  It’s the motives behind the power seeking that matter. What is the nature of the mind that is formed with those motives? What is the future potential and the value of the gift of that mind when it emerges into eternal life?

As an example, what if a mind is formed with a dominant value of monetary wealth and power.  What does that mind bring to non-physical realms where monetary wealth doesn’t exist?

When we are able to become powerful via Love instead of fear and want, we are able to construct a very different mind—a different soul—and a different home for that soul after there is no longer a body.

It’s always a choice.  When it comes to the mind, we reap what we sow.



(1) An overall flavor of this material I got is that there is NOT only one kind of mind power useful and valuable to consciousness, even though it all originates from a single Source.  Each life brings opportunity for realizing new potential.

(2) I asked at the beginning of this multi-day discussion, “Is this going to be another one of those theoretical discussions?” The ready answer was, “It’s only theoretical when you don’t put it into practice!  Remember there are aspects that you can make real (for all of us) that we can only theorize.”

One thought on “John Dorsey Wolf: Picking power and its consequences

  1. I’m glad you have an archive of John’s words, Frank, and are sharing them here. I’m also glad I got to meet him that Saturday at your place before we went to our separate programs.

    John’s thoughts are from an engineer’s perspective. As my degree is also engineering, I value how he processed the information from TGU and made it his own. I find it is complimentary what you share with us.

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