A way of seeing appropriate to our time

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

3:45 a.m. All right, ready if you are.

Remember the theme here, the over-arching theme – we are trying to help you put together scattered and often contradictory fragments, so that a new whole may be discerned, a new way of seeing reality appropriate to your time, or rather, appropriate to the times to come, of which your time is only an entry-point.

You – your generation, roughly – are not what previous generations were. Your access to knowledge, your way of being, your beliefs and disbeliefs, are all something new in the world. You are, in effect, teenagers toward the end of the disturbing transformational process. But this did not happen by accident or by side-effects of “external” events. It is the result of a persistent bias introduced into human history and events by your own unrecognized non-3D components, for your own sake and for ours. You might say the world wars and the successive political and technological and social revolutions, as painful as they have been, were part of the price of the ticket of admission. Your honored dead did not die in vain, in other words.

Your mental worlds are inconceivably different, your concepts are immeasurably more sophisticated – and, at the same time, more ungrounded, more naïve, more self-contradictory, more hopelessly wrong – than ever in recorded history. (There is so much more un-recorded history, but that’s another story. I merely make note of it, that later you will realize that certain omissions were intentional for the sake of convenience of exposition.)

In the past few generations – not so many generations, after all – the subject of psychology has had to be invented, to replace the previous “study of the soul,” which was religion. You are often quoting Carl Jung on the gods never re-inhabiting the temples they once abandon, and this is an accurate intuition of his, and an accurate intuition of yours that it is important.

The reason your mental worlds are in a shambles, or are rigid and unimpressionable, is the same reason your politics and sociology are similarly in pieces, and rigid and uncompromising. The reason is the same because the process is the same, one seemingly individual, one seemingly social and “external.”

The old ways of being are gone for good. “For good” in both senses of the expression, for it is a real change, a permanent loss, and a loss that a new good may come.

You have no firm or even coherent view of “the afterlife,” or therefore of the purpose of the pre-afterlife, call it. (“Pre-afterlife” is not a term we intend to use again. I use it here only to underline how distorted the idea of “afterlife” is in assuming the 3D life is the game and anything that follows is the post-game show.) If you do not correctly understand any one aspect of your eternal life, you cannot correctly place such aspects as you do apprehend.

One reason your ideas are mixed up is that you didn’t know what you are. We have been giving you a corrective for several years now, giving you the building-blocks to see yourselves – and therefore your lives – in a new way. Without that new way of seeing who and what you are, you cannot see your situation in any very new way.

Take for instance the concept of reincarnation. If you thought of yourselves as units, the concept and the resistance to the concept of reincarnation would follow in the way that historically it did develop. So before we could correct the misunderstandings in that view, we had to adjust your view of who and what a human soul is. Of course, in adjusting who and what, adjustment of why and how must follow.

It is a long process, which may be looked as a cumulative one, in which a given individual pulls together various ideas and perceptions and creates something new merely by seeing associations where previously people saw divisions. This has social consequences, and after a while someone else draws various threads together, perhaps including those of the former person, now woven into one strand, and comes up with another refinement.

I think you mean, we’re all building our own models of how things are, and in so doing, we use pieces that were put together by our predecessors, so that more and more complex understandings may result. Thus Carl Jung’s long lifetime distilled years of experience – which included years of study of ancient texts as well as his years of study of human psychology as it expressed itself in illness and in health – and that distillation is available to his successors without us having to duplicate the amount of work that went into it (not that we could in any case.) And so anybody who devotes years of study to a subject distills it into more usable form for others, particularly if he expresses it in word or by example. My friend Charles, for example, devoting decades of study of himself by practice, and of the thought of others in their writings.

That’s right, and you already heard the correlate, though perhaps you haven’t thought it through.

Well, I got that of course we are led, as we live our lives, to look at this and be fascinated by that, and “just happen to” be caught by the other.

Yes. It is a mixture of the predilections you embody and the promptings of your non-3D component. You are always being prompted; you don’t always respond positively to the prompting. (Nor is there a right or wrong about your response. It is your choice. However, in general people are happier when they flow with their grain rather than resist it or go counter to it.

Mixed metaphor, but I get the idea.

There is a very important point to be taken, here, and it is this: Your life is never random and it is never pointless. Just because you don’t know what is going on, or don’t see or understand or trust the guidance, you may think it does not exist, or is interference, or is static on the line. But in fact the books you are led to read, the thoughts you are led to entertain, the mental worlds you are led to construct and explore – are not exclusively the province of you as 3D beings. How could they be? Nothing else in your life is.

This applies to your statesmen, your criminals, your artists, your busybodies, everybody. What you think you do as “your own private affair” can never be walled-off like that, except in your obliviousness of the inherent connection.

So your wars, your civil disasters, your technological failures, your inadvertent side-effects, your effects of deliberate neglect of consequences – all these are not inexplicable things out of the blue. Neither are they necessarily the result of the conscious intention of any particular individual or group of individuals. And, for that matter, neither should you start suspecting conspiracies emanating from the non-3D.

So what does this leave us with?

Hopefully it leaves you with a more sophisticated understanding of why past concepts of “how things are” are no longer adequate.

I don’t quite see how it does that.

Your nature as individuals is now understood differently. Your interconnections in non-3D are better understood. The sense of purpose is emerging as you re-cast your sense of possibilities and limitations.

That may be so. Probably it is so. But it has a long way to go, then.

Oh yes. But you were asking where we are going with this, in effect.

We are nearly an hour in, even though only eight pages. This has come pretty dense and fluent.

I’ll take that as a cry for mercy, and this is not a bad place to stop,

Well, I am tired, and it did seem to be rounding off to a resting-place. Till next time, then, and as always our thanks for all this.

One thought on “A way of seeing appropriate to our time

  1. It could have been, and probably was, written for the literal reality of today. I feel like, because we’re open to this, we’re part of the transition team, or the wrecking crew.

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