Thomas, Sayings 57 to 59

Saturday, June 29, 2019

2:55 a.m. Saying 57

Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man with good seed. His enemy came at night and scattered the seed of weeds in with the good seed. The man did not let them pull out the weeds but said: “Don’t do it. You might pull out the grain along with the weeds.” During the harvest the weeds will be obvious, and then they can be removed and burned.

In my copy, I see I wrote, “You have to live your “good” and “bad” traits, and can’t necessarily tell which is which for a long time.” You agree?

Certainly this is a possible meaning. And in connection with the previous Saying?

Well, it’s the same theme. It is all in waking up to our real state, to the way things really are, to the way we really are.

And what of the interpretation that says it is about good or bad people?

Why should God need time to see if someone is good or bad? For that matter, why assume that our categories of good and bad are absolutes, just because we experience them as such?

Very good.

Particularly if Jesus is showing people how to have “life more abundantly,” what is the point of telling them that God is going to sort them out eventually? Well, I suppose this could reassure people that everybody eventually gets what’s coming to them, but I don’t see that as the message. Do you?

You already know that scriptures contain overlapping meanings, so that they say different things to different levels of consciousness. but in any case, your reading of the Saying suits us.

Odd way to put it.

Let’s move on to Saying 58.

Jesus said: Blessed is one who has labored and has found life.

Seems to me that’s a continuation of the theme: By doing the work of waking up, you move into a new world.

Agreed. Saying 59.

Jesus said: Look at the living one while you live, for if you die and then try to see him, you will not be able to do so.

I suspect that this means mostly, the 3D is where we can do the work of coming to awareness, which is odd, given the limitations we have to work under while we are here.

That’s exactly what it means. It is in 3D that you can change and choose and provide the basis for whatever will be permanent and durable after you have dropped the body and have been released from 3D limitations. This, after all, is why those limitations are in existence: to provide just such possibilities.

So, “the living one”? I guess I have assumed that meant Jesus, but I don’t know that that makes sense, really.

Not Jesus the man but the animating principle he embodied.

Say more about that?

If you see “the living one” while you live – what can that mean?

That’s what I’m asking.

If you cannot, in 3D conditions, see the living one, you will not be able to see it later. This implies of course that if you can, you will be [able to].

There is a state of awareness we can come to here that will remain as a permanent acquisition after we die to the 3D. so since presumably we won’t be looking for Jesus in the non-3D and not finding him, it must mean – “the living one” must mean – something eternal and not bound to the 3D, yet discernible here.

It is simple enough. Who is “the living one”?

I now want to say, the spirit that animates me, but I think I’m grasping at straws.

In other words, the ideas you grasp are random and meaningless.

Very funny. Still, that’s how it feels, tenuous.

Nothing wrong with that. But indeed “the living one” refers to the spirit within you – not a personalized spirit, exactly, not an impersonal universal spirit, exactly, but something that partakes of both characteristics and cannot be confined to either.

Neither “vast impersonal forces” nor “vast personal forces,” but yet both.

Correct. We realize that doesn’t seem to make sense. It will make more sense when you couple it to the thought – the realization – that you in 3D are halfway houses, neither 3D alone nor non-3D alone, hence composite beings in more than your biology as physical beings.

You have described any 3D being created by sexual confluence as compound beings. So this is another way in which we are compound.

Yes. Not only a new creation by the merging of two previously distinct genetic streams, with all that this implies for the creation of a new soul, but also compound of two natures, only uneasily joined, which is the 3D condition.

And somehow we can realize it here, but if we do not, we will be unable to realize it later?

That’s it.

Why? Or, how?

Because your condition in 3D has everything to do with limitation of awareness, leading to the moment-by-moment choices which shape you – and yet, at the same time you live also with the background awareness of your non-3D nature. That tension of opposing forces is what makes 3D consciousness potentially so valuable. It does not exist when one of the two poles is removed.

Hmm. It’s like, we here see through the telescope and the microscope at the same time.

You can; it doesn’t happen automatically. But yes, you can split focus, you can overlap focus, or you can meld an awareness of the two perspectives (harder to find a 3D analogy of vision for this one), and this is possible only while you are in this condition of being stretched between two sets of forces. However, if the awareness is attained, it is not lost, and so when you move entirely into non-3D you are now a non-3D creature with the gift of 3D awareness added.

Only, this is seeing it though a 3D time sequence.

Yes, which is a distortion, in absolute terms. However, that is your normal context. Again, these are talking points to help the disciples attain a certain level of being, and then to help them help others.

This, though, must be understood correctly. One sense of “a level of being” is – having the potential to understand. This cannot be attained at any present moment but must have been attained previously. The other sense is the result of effort in the present.

This is temporarily clear to me, but I suspect it will not be later unless you give us more.

What you are at this present moment is the result of the past: This is the predestination aspect of life; these are the cards you have in your hand. But your present condition is also the potential to play those cards; this is the free-will aspect of life. Someone entering life with four aces who does not play out the hand may end up relatively much worse than one who entered with three sixes but played them well. Thus the parable about the use of talents. However, lest this seem too grim, remember that every life is a new deal, only the hand one begins with is not unconnected with the results of how you played the previous hand. All this in 3D terms of course, but after all that is how you experience reality.

I thought we might continue with Saying 60, but I see my markings on that page saying, “This is the puzzle in the piece,” and I suspect it would be better to come to it when I am fresh.

Yes. It’s fine to be ambitious, but fatigue will cause a temptation to skim, and this will interfere.

Okay, if you have no more at the moment –?

This will do for now.

Then thank you as always, and we’ll see you next time.


4 thoughts on “Thomas, Sayings 57 to 59

  1. The card-playing analogy is really useful to me, as well as the tension of opposing forces, as well as awareness becoming a permanent acquisition. A good session. Thank you.

    Reminded me of the old Doctorow quote about writing because maybe it could be said of awareness. [Awareness] is like driving a car at night: you never see further than your headlights, but you can make your whole trip that way.

  2. I wonder who is the enemy that puts the bad seed in? And I see letting the weeds grow also as a do not judge and try to stifle the perceived bad inside (even outside?) because that can also pull out the good seeds. We just do not know. Maybe even the father does not know – he is also the father of the enemy. Very jungian.

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