Rita — the chick in the egg

Monday March 23, 2015

F: 6:25 a.m. Good morning, Miss Rita. (Do you experience morning?) Suzanne Gilbertson left this comment on my blog, and Charles liked it enough to jump it to the top of the list. This is one of those that I don’t have any idea about how you are going to answer it. I hope you do! But, the guys always had what I called their cover story ready, and I can’t remember you ever backing them into a corner successfully, so I suppose you can do the trick as well as they could. And, sometime tell us about the way you-all can fade in and out in a conversation, sometimes one starting a sentence that another finishes, we not always noticing.

R: All right, it’s always good to have a shopping list. As to morning, remember that we can experience 3D still, through any of our numerous relations and acquaintances!  And for many of us, the natural world is an enchanted and enchanting memory that we love keeping fresh. At the same time, we are not confined to any one passing present moment in the way we were while in 3D, so there is no reason we can’t enjoy a sunrise here while watching a sunset in the same place [that had occurred or would occur] earlier or later. [It was clear to me at the time what Rita meant. I added the bracketed phrase to prevent misunderstanding.]

F: This business is either stirring up distracting new habits or is teaching me to pay close attention to flitting thoughts and associations and questions. So, as I wrote down your answer, the following things came to mind:

– You said “relations and acquaintances,” and I assume you mean past lives and the various windows into the world that all of those threads represent – but I could imagine someone asking about it, so I thought, I’d better find out.
– I remembered that you and Martin, in your life long before I met you, had liked to go camping in the Rockies or anyway out west somewhere. Oregon? California? And it reminded me that those kinds of experiences are part of what we bring to the other side’s library also.
– I first encountered Hemingway fishing, if I remember rightly, and I thought, just now, hmm, two ways of enjoying the natural world. He was re-creating the conditions and experiencing them as real. You are, I take it, enjoying it as it happens and is experienced by strands still (or previously, or – in the future?) in 3D. And a third way would be to re-immerse yourself in the memory of what you lived, or so I suppose. That is, what you as ringmaster of Rita Warren 1920-2008 experienced, as opposed to what you have pretty direct access to via all the connections of all the strands that comprised her. And a fourth, I suppose – all the connections leading on from those strands. Pretty nearly everything, I suppose. What a treasure of opportunities for enjoyment.

That’s a lot to get out of a brief response to an aside, and I feel like I’m stepping out of one role and into another, or that my own role is beginning to morph.

R: Well, that shouldn’t surprise you. Change brings further change, and practice not only makes perfect, it opens unsuspected doors.

F: And this is also for the benefit of those reading this.

R: Of course. Your chosen and accepted role was – as you were told by Kelly in the very beginning of your awakening – to remember in public the process of remembering, as well as the content.

F: I remember well. And that seems to be what is happening.

R: You were given a choice a while ago: Stick to what we had been given and undergo no further upheavals in your understanding of the nature of the world, or be ready to move on, and you chose to keep exploring.

F: Sure, why not? What else is remotely as interesting? Only, it never occurred to me that you and I would be working together. Nice bonus. So, the question.

R: Don’t forget the final insight / question.

F: Well, I have, but I can see that since everything connects, there would be no end of associations and so no end of side-trails. We can let it go.

R: Now you are getting a stronger taste of how we function without 3D constraints to help us focus. All right, the question.

[Suzanne, responding to my response to her original comment, said: “Yes, it’s the `successful’ part I want to ask Rita about. What is an unsuccessful transition, and the consequences? How can we not carry with us `left over associations’ with 3D life?”]

R: This is a good illuminating question, and my answer is shaped partly by your own focus, Frank, that prevents you from actively remembering the context of the question.

F: Not a bad thing, I hope. That’s usually my situation.

R: Well, the question of what would be “good” or “bad” directly leads into my answer. Good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, is always a matter of judgment, which means always a matter of context.

My particular view is that a successful transition is one that allows all parts of a lived-out being to continue to function together after the bonds of the body are broken. Or, to speak more plainly in other language, success is the new soul continuing to function as one unit in its new conditions of freedom from the 3D constraints that shaped and nurtured it. Your physical part of your life is the baby chick in the egg, and your life afterwards is the chick learning to function in a new bewildering / enchanting world beyond the previous safe but confining world it had known. The struggle to emerge from the egg is what develops the strength to fly in the world to come. No chick lives as a chick and then a chicken while still remaining in the confines of the shell in which it developed.

But not all chicks survive the process and live on. Some die, in the shell or emerging from it, and in that case their components — the physical elements of the chick’s body, in our analogy – return to the earth and of course are used again in one way or another. An unsuccessful transition fails to hold the pieces together. It is – to change analogies – something like the mentally ill whose various constituting pieces do not communicate, or exist in a state of perpetual contention.

F: So when we do retrievals –?

R: It’s a matter of context and viewpoint, as I said. But from here it looks this way. Let’s take me. I live a long life that develops many of my potentialities but of course not all, nor anything like all. We are created with an overplus of opportunities for the very particular purpose of allowing and developing, almost of forcing, the continuous exercise of free will. This does two things. It enables us to choose what we are to become, by choosing to manifest this rather than that. It also bonds the various elements, in the way that the chick’s struggle to emerge from the egg develops the muscle it will need to fly.

I live my life without suppressing my awareness of any part of myself (in practice, of course, this is an impossibility), or I suppress all awareness of any other parts of myself (which is scarcely more possible), or, as is true for nearly everybody, I become conscious of some things while remaining unconscious of others, to a varying degree.

F: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will shape your life, and you will call it fate.”

R: Also the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas: If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you, and if you don’t, it will destroy you.

F: Now – did you know that independently or did you pilfer it from my own memories?

R: As our friend Dave used to say, “Guilty, your honor.” But I’m afraid our hour is up.

F: Can you answer the second part of Suzanne’s question?

R: I haven’t finished answering the first part! But, no hurry. Productive questions lead to interesting journeys, as you should well remember.

F: Oh, I do. And I assure you, others are enjoying this journey with us.

R: That was the plan.

F: Be well.

R: I should say that to you – but you might take it as nagging.

F: I’m smiling. Till next time, then.

3 thoughts on “Rita — the chick in the egg

  1. Many thanks for chick in the egg analogy as it clarified transitioning successfully!

    As I was immersed in this posting, one of my friends asked me for one great quote from you personally Frank, not the “TGU”. Talk about a doe in headlights since I’ve read several of your books & blog???

    At that moment this quote jumped off the page, which my friend thought was spot on.
    F:“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will shape your life, and you will call it fate.”

    After reading your response again, I realized that you had put quotation marks that could have possibly indicated the statement was from TGU or someone else. Then, the quotation marks morphed into there really isn’t a single source in “ownership” of expressed thoughts.

    Very interesting the etymology of the word on that note~
    Quote: ORIGIN late Middle English: from medieval Latin quotare, from quot ‘how many’

    Symbiotically ~ Sheila

      1. Now this certainly is a twist! My astrologer friend that asked was held by Jung as a baby. Jung even looked into his birth chart since his father was one of Jung’s apprentices in Switzerland. Guess I was distracted by the quotation marks to read the line below??? Thanks Frank~

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