Black Box Session 10-13-00 (3)

Session five of ten

Friday, October 13, 2000

[change side of tape]

I’m going to say it just to swat the fly. I was going to be too polite. But the war ended in ’45, not in ’43. Now I can swat the fly and forget about it. [laughs]

S: I must have been thinking of some other reality.

F: Well – I know it’s a joke, but actually I think literally it’s true. All those – the more you look at the history, the more improbable certain things were. There’s no way Dunkirk could have happened, as an example. [pause]

S: So if I understand the perspective that you’ve elucidated it, when I asked you the question, “describe the age the age of faith, describe the age of reason,” and then I might come to you and say, “well describe the next age,” what you’re saying is that that still is – there’s lots of different possibilities of what that age will be once it arrives on the map, and it is in formation.

F: I’d say there are lots of versions of it and they all exist.

S: Okay.

F: Now whether the other – whether there’s one that becomes C1 and the others that maybe are F23, I don’t know. But you know I thought I did describe the next two ages. The one where people use these abilities routinely but they still see themselves as separate, and then beyond that where they really on all levels know themselves as one. Those will be very different, not only civilizations, they’ll be different people than we are.

Going back, I don’t know how I would describe the age of Egypt, unless it was the age of original connection. I don’t know why they should have had a better connection than we do.

S: The words you used a few minutes ago I found interesting, in terms of when we walk around knowing our inner connectedness we will be conscious of that fact that it has always been that way. There won’t be a notion of “oh, remember when we weren’t connected?” It will be the notion that it has always been this way.

F: Oh, that’s not quite what I meant. I meant, there won’t be a moment of the time when you can’t – when you won’t remember that you’re connected.

S: Oh, okay.

F: In other words, right now we – I mean, I, anyway – remember and forget, remember and forget. But there will be a time when you’ll always know it —

S: Okay. And I was then asking a slightly different situation. Will it seem as though it has always been that way?

F: Oh I see what you – yeah, well I think – it’ll be that – it’ll seem as though it’s always been that way but we didn’t used to realize it. Does that–?

S: Mm-hmm.

F: In fact, I already feel that way. I feel like, we’ve always been this – but I don’t hold it all the time. It’s more of an intellectual construct for me, than a self-evident reality. When I’m at the office engaged in a conflict, I’m not remembering – sometimes I am, actually, but usually I’m not remembering we’re all one.

S: That you’re arguing with yourself.

F: Exactly. Exactly. I do that even within the body, Skip. [laughs] And I usually lose! [pause] It feels like I’ve shallowed out a little bit, is that true? Can you tell?

S: Yeah, this conversation has brought you up a little bit. I wanted to have you explore a little bit more before we move on to 21, to have you explore a little bit more this notion of, it’s possible now to speak of, to conceive of, to have the notion of, inner connectedness, oneness, unity, and to conceive of, to have the notion of, being in that space all the time. And you spoke before, that the barrier or the limitation in not being in that space now – it doesn’t seem that there is a big barrier, a lot of distance, it seems to be a simple shift in a way of thinking.

F: That’s right. That’s the barrier.

S: And in itself, however, the very notion of saying there’s a barrier is a way of thinking, and so when I hear you use the words “I only hold it temporarily,” that sounds like an affirmation statement, and “your wish is granted, yes, that will continue to be, until you say `I always know this all the time’ will be the way it is.” And so it’s not as though one has to wait for evolvement, it is one’s responsibility to change one’s own thinking. And then there’s a level beyond that, the level that – you already did change your own thinking, and what is happening now is perfectly okay.

F: I’ll go with all of that, with a couple of additions. And I’m going to move my elbows, because my elbows are quite clearly resting on very uncomfortable 2-by-4s. [laughs] And I cannot persuade myself that they aren’t! [laughs]

The only little asterisk I would add to that, I don’t know if it’s perceptible, but there’s a force acting on us, not just you and me but on everybody, and that force is the mental constructs that are prevalent in our time. And so they’re not only within our own minds – it’s not like, you know, well we got them during education and we have to re-educate ourselves. That’s true enough. But it’s also true that they’re there as a constant pressure from the society. I don’t mean media, now, I mean just people who are living. And so in our day at this time, because we’re sort of pioneers in thinking this way, there is a pressure to be overcome – it’s just an inertia, but it is a pressure – that won’t be there when x number of, you know, people change. Do you know what I’m saying? When the tide comes in far enough— Well, it’s a lousy analogy, but I’m trying to say that there also is a pressure, by the fact that we’re thinking in a different way, there aren’t enough others yet thinking in another different way to make it the default position. That’s what I’m getting at. I don’t know if it was worth saying or not. It’s a lot of work.

I guess the gist of that is that we don’t think of ideas and concepts usually as having tangible presence, but I think they do. It’s almost as though they form the outer skin of a crystal, and – well, no, I don’t know where that’s going. [yawns] Everything always comes back to crystals, these days.

[Continues in post on 5-26-07]

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